V r V g l n
contact: veravoegelin[at]
Utopian Cities / Programmed Societies:
Retiring Victoria (2019)
Dèrive, Video 2 ́35 ́ ́, Ausstellung in der Fabrice de Pensule, Cluj, Rumänien, November 2019 sowie am Simultan Festival, Timisoara, Rumänien Oktober 2020
Entstanden im Rahmen der Summer School UTOPIAN CITIES / PROGRAMMED SOCIETIES, Victoria, Romania, 2019
Dérive, Video 2 ́35 ́ ́, Exhibition at Fabrica de Pensule, Cluj, Romania, November 2019 as well as Simultan Festival, Timisoara, Romania, October 2020
Produced during the Summer School UTOPIAN CITIES / PROGRAMMED SOCIETIES, Victoria, Romania, 2019
Produced with a free editing software and smartphone
[c]2020, of all contents: Leoni Voegelin | Impressum
contact: veravoegelin[at]
[c]2020, of all contents: Leoni Voegelin | Impressum